Do not call yourself a ‘Light-worker’, ‘Light-bearer’, ‘Light-wayer’, or ‘Healer for humanity’ if you yourself cannot keep your energy ‘in check’. What you post on social media, what you say verbally, breaks down the energies of the ‘light’ and only feeds into the ‘duality play’ of fear, anger and separation.

Make no mistake about it-we all know ‘IT’ exists-for many of us assisted in creating it, or feeding it on many different timelines-for that’s the programming…that’s all we thought we knew to ‘DO’ or ‘BE’. Can you HOLD this experience with no emotion? Can you redirect it-or diffuse it with a higher vibration? Recognizing that on the macro things are indeed aligning? This is our challenge at this time. This is our individual POWER as CREATORS.

The ‘time’ has come-the ‘time’ is NOW. Many of us are tapped into our knowing. Many of us are already laying the foundation of the NEW. We are all in it to ‘win it’ equally- we all have our roles to ‘play’. Recognize what your ‘role is’-and follow it through. Do whatever it takes to ‘BE’ ……..

In Love’s Enfoldment~ Wispy Winds