Magick is not found through your ‘craft’, other ‘Beings’, your psychic abilities or your Spiritual ‘Quest’. It is already HERE in the form of YOU~ the Physical Human. There is nothing that can be ‘given’ that you already have.
There is nothing to obtain when it’s there already. You have all your ‘abilities’ within your ‘matrix’ of ‘BEing’. It is not ‘lost’ or ‘covered up’; you only believe this to be so. Right in front of you it exists….and right in front of you it remains.
Do not look elsewhere. Do not look to someone or something. You will not find what you seek. All shines through the existence of the PHYSICAL. It shines through you in the here and NOW.
This is hard to comprehend..this I understand. It is much easier to look to an outside source for your ‘truth’…to take on another’s perspective of what’s ‘right’ for you. I too have spent this lifetime following the well-travelled roads; so I know all too well the beaten path to Self-Sovereignty.
Be fully present here to reclaim the understanding of what already ‘IS’. You ‘ARE’ the abilities you seek and the Magick you search for.
In Love’s Enfoldment~Amy B.