‘Duality’ means opposing forces (DUAL)~fighting. ‘Polarity’ is two opposites that are part of a WHOLE. Polarity game ‘was created’ for the two halves to separate~ yet remain WHOLE. To experience their own indentity~yet remain as ONE. With Polarity you cannot have one without the other. BOTH are of equal value. You cannot have light without the dark, good without bad, joy without pain. However, WE all created it as a dualistic force……separation. We by accident created duality from our FEAR. Our fear of being separated from Source. The further we identified ourselves as being individual beings of separation (instead of individual expressions of oneness), the more fear took hold. This is not what Source intended to happen. The power of Mind Consciousness sucked many into this separation illusion of fear, and it grew, or festered into the mass consciousness. We began to believe we were not an identity of anything or anyone. We began to believe we were to ‘BE’ like all others (for we forgot our individuality)…and took whatever ‘form’ we could to soothe the dualistic fear. We created organized religions, governments and so on to keep ourselves in the feeling of ‘safe’, and we were in essence ‘controlled’ by our own consent. Due to us having FREE WILL Source could not do anything, or would ‘he’..for ‘he’ knew that we would always come ‘back’ to the ‘beginning’…what we always KNEW. All has purpose~including the duality that was created by US. Our mission for ourselves is to bring all ‘back’ to polarity and to recognize these forces within us. This is what we call ‘Creation’…. In Love’s Enfoldment~Amy C. Baker