It is so important to share your desires with those who support and believe in your success or dream. Often times we don’t know ‘how’ we are going to ‘do’ it~ we just ‘know’ the feeling of desiring it. This can be very hard to discuss with those who want the ‘facts’ on how you are going to navigate this desire. The truth is~ there is no certainty except for the certainty of your desired outcome. This is a time to release fears and trust in SELF. It is a matter of knowing your power, value and worth in achieving all you desire to achieve. You are a powerful Soul and you are here to recognize this fact. When one continually questions: “How do you plan on doing this?” ~ “What if?” ~ or just has nothing positive to say it can stir up feelings of your own self-doubt. Their Energy can indeed wrap around your ‘dream’ and you will feel it. Their energy will become yours. To stop the ‘fear of’ simply say: “Thank you for your concern. I will take this into consideration as you will take into consideration my success.” This then allows them the opportunity to readjust their concern for you to We have all had the experience of ‘shutting down’ a dream due to the influence of other’s opinions. Regain your power and release their tethers. Show them how to ‘BE’ desire……………show them your authentic SELF. You got this!
In Love’s Enfoldment~ Amy B.