A relationship of NEED is one that can energetically drain you. It is one where the other’s energetic tethers are constantly attached to you. The person thinks of you always with fear of separation and a longing for completeness. They fear you leaving them, they fear any space created, and they need you to always be in their energy field. It’s as if you have become their illusion of ‘Lifeforce’. This is a relationship that binds around you…for thoughts are energy. Remember that each thought a person has of you (good or bad) comes immediately to you, and at times will attach itself depending on the intensity. You may or may not feel their thoughts, for this is always dependent upon your maintained energetic levels of the NOW moment. A relationship of DESIRE is quite different. It is a relationship of subtle energies. It is a constant flow of love exchanged, for FEAR does not prohibit or block the flow. It is a relationship based on NO SEPARATION for you can come and go as you please without fear and rejection. You base this relationship on your heart center-the center of purity-the center of knowing oneness with the other. There tends to be a natural ‘sacred space’ between, and this space is one that encourages you both to grow without any attachments to one another. It is based on equality~ equal parts of energy exchanged. In the ‘Divine scheme of things’, we are to not NEED anyone or anything outside of us to sustain us. Instead, we have the desire to DESIRE. When what you desire is held closer to your heart it has no agenda to bind you with…it is constant…it just ‘IS’. In Love’s Enfoldment~ Amy C. Baker