
~Clarity of mind, enhanced concentration, brain functioning
~Enhances meditation, dream work and other process modalities
~Integrates left and right brain thought patterns for manifestation efforts
~Facilitates natural organic ‘knowing’, connects to your BEingness.
~Reprograms patterns of DNA and cellular level of SELF
~Assists in the feeling of ‘safe’


~Relieves anxiety-brings your nervous system into balance
~Assists with the sense of ‘loss’ or separation
~Assists with trauma and abuse
~Instantaneous, deep state of relaxation
~Issues of the Heart


~Relieves stress by drawing your body into a centered space
~Increases your level of physical energy
~Better digestion, improves circulation
~Enhances Pituitary gland, immunity
~Pain management, joint mobility
~Develops and refines your sonic / psychic abilities
~Reprograms patterns of DNA / cellular level
~Purge and flush impurities and energies
~Cleans, clear and align the Chakras